Protal 600 CTE™
A two-part high build coal tar epoxy that can be applied as a single or two-coat system to protect steel or concrete substrates.

Protal 600 CTE™ is a two-part high build coal tar epoxy that can be applied as a single or two-coat system. It uses polyamide technology with excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. For long-term corrosion protection of steel and concrete substrates against water, wastewater, seawater, alkaline water and acidic water corrosion.
Protal 600 CTE is designed to coat steel piles, sheet piles, lock gates, reservoirs, non-potable water pipelines, treatment / storage tanks, bridges and many other aggressive industrial applications.
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- Excellent resistance to water, seawater, wastewater, alkaline water and acidic water
- Good impact resistance
- Excellent flexibility, hardness and adhesion
- Excellent abrasion resistance
- No primer required
- High build up to 26 mils WFT (660 microns) in one coat
- Can be used with cathodic protection systems
- Can be brush or spray applied
- Exceeds Corp of Engineers C-200, C200a
- Exceeds AWWA C-210 for exterior
Protal 600 CTE
Protal 600 CTE, 600 CTE Low VOC and 650 CTR Spray Application - Spec Guide
application instructions