Denso DigestVolume 37, Number 2
In this edition:- In-Situ training over Densopol 80HT System
- Denso Bore-Wrap protects a power station's gas pipeline during HHD installation in Northern Ireland
- Wasterwater pipeline protected during HDD pull back under river with Denso Bore-Wrap
- Buried oil pipeline using the Densopol 80HT System for corrosion protection
- Viscotaq protects below ground pipeline and fittings
- Buried gas pipeline in South Africa using Denso Butyl Tapes for corrosion prevention
- Denso SeaShield System used to provide steel mooring & fender pile protection
- Viscotaq approved to repair potable water tanks in Australia
- Denso SeaShield chosen to protect Alcatraz wharf piles