Victoria, TX Tank Chime Area Protected from Corrosion with DensoTank Base Protection System
Exposed Surface Coating
Project Data
Location | Victoria, TX |
Completion | August 2015 |
Project Type | Tank Base Protection |
Products Used | Densyl Mastic / Hi-Tack Tape / FB 30 Tape / Denso Weathershield 55 |
Contractor or Applied By | Maintenance Personnel |
Project Details
Denso North America had the opportunity to showcase and demo the Denso Tank Base Protection System on an 80’ diameter storage tank for a large oil and gas company in Victoria, TX. The tank actually had a 3 tiered chime area to protect, which made the Denso system an ideal fit due to its ability to conform to various odd shapes and sizes as well as flexibility. The first order was to remove the existing caulk sealant that had cracked over time due to environmental exposure and acted as a sponge trapping excessive moisture. This was leading to severe corrosion issues. After the caulk sealant was removed and the tank base area was completely dry, the surface was easily prepared in accordance with SSPC SP-2 or SP-3 “Hand Tool Cleaning” or “Power Tool Cleaning”.
After the surface was prepared, the tank plinth was filled in with Densyl Mastic by hand rolling into thin strips and sealing the gap between the tank and concrete base. The mastic provided a smooth profile when applying the Denso Hi-Tack Tape, a high adhesive anticorrosive petrolatum tape. The Hi-Tack Tape was simply cut into 2-3’ sections, which made for an easier application, and applied circumferentially around the tank base maintaining a minimum 1” overlap onto the concrete base and steel tank. Next, the Denso FB 30 Tape, a butyl rubber tape with a fabric backing, was applied circumferentially maintaining a minimum 1” overlap past the Hi-Tack Tape onto the concrete base and steel tank. The last step was the Denso Weathershield 55, a high build flexible acrylic top coat, which was brush applied over the FB 30 Tape for UV protection.
Denso was able to demonstrate just how easily tank chimes can be protected with just a few steps. The customer was very pleased with the appearance of the final product and the knowledge that the Denso Tank Base Protection System would provide excellent protection against corrosion in addition to being flexible enough to move with the tank as it is filled and emptied. A video of the application can be found on and shows just how simple it is to add years of life to tank chime areas.

Tank caulk used as a sealant has a tendency to crack and absorb water over time.

Tank plinth area seal with Densyl Mastic to prevent moisture from entering.

Finished tank with Denso Weathershield 55 applied as a top coat completing the system.

Tank caulk used as a sealant has a tendency to crack and absorb water over time.

Tank plinth area seal with Densyl Mastic to prevent moisture from entering.