Volume 28, Number 2

Volume 28, Number 2

In this edition: SeaShield and Steelcoat protection for jetty piles Denso Steelcoat Systems give quality finish as well as quality protection Denso Protal 7125 protecting jet fuel piping at Canada’s #1 airport Denso Steelcoat 400 protects barge roof structure at...
Volume 28, Number 1

Volume 28, Number 1

In this edition: Densoclad protection on Northwich brinefield Rigspray provides ultimate corrosion protectio for new bulkhead at a Boston area marina Steelcoat System protection for tees pipe bridge Denso’s Protal 7200 pipeline coatings helps protect Kinder...
Volume 27, Number 4

Volume 27, Number 4

In this edition: Tokstrip joint sealant chosen for storm water system project Protal 7200 used for pipeline rehabilitation Densoclad used for corrosion prevention on gas lines bends, joints and couplings Denso Nu-Tank Lining prevents corrosion on hospital water supply...
Volume 27, Number 3

Volume 27, Number 3

In this edition: SeaShield protection for Southampton marker post Denso Void Filler protects submarine dockyard anchors Denso protection on Severn Trent Elan Valley Aqueduct Protal 7200 protects girth welds on push-rack application Butyl Tape protection for vital...
Volume 27, Number 2

Volume 27, Number 2

In this edition: Densoband joint sealant for 18,000m2 Swan Shopping Center car park Denso polyethylene outerwrap helps support concrete and cure on weight coated pipes Archco-Rigidon 703D System protect dangerous goods bund area in Kalgoorlie Archco-Rigidon coatins...