Volume 29, Number 2

Volume 29, Number 2

In this edition: Winn & Coales International Ltd receives The Queen’s Award for enterprise Coating pipe joints welds in sub-zero temperature with Protal 7200™ SeaShield Series 2000FD™ used on piles to protect berthing structures Archco-Rigidon  Linings used...
Volume 29, Number 1

Volume 29, Number 1

In this edition: Denso Anti-Slip Tape improves safety in new car showroom Archco-Rigidon Lining chosen to solve condenser corrosion problem Densyl Tape protects gasoline loading station pipework Aiding in the health of a pipeline Finished product port delivery...
Volume 28, Number 4

Volume 28, Number 4

In this edition: Denso Ultraflex Tape System protects pipe weld joints Protal 7125 & 7250 standing up to cold Canadian winters for pipeline corrosion protection Denso North America offers new Protal ARO – abrasion resistant overcoating SeaShield System...
Volume 28, Number 3

Volume 28, Number 3

In this edition: Denso protection for historic Welsh crane Densoclad 70S Tape chosen for major 23km pipe wrapping contract Archco-Rigidon protects oil production water filter system Denso Canada coatings application certification process Kinder Morgan Rockies Express...